Jeff Johnson has been leading worship and writing songs for the church for over a decade. He and his band travel to lead worship at various conferences, camps and retreats across the country. Jeff serves on staff as the worship leader for Breakaway Ministries, a non-denominational bible study for college students at Texas A&M University. Ever since Jeff began following the Lord in college, his heart has been drawn to serve college students, so he counts it a huge privilege to lead thousands of students in worship every Tuesday night at Breakaway. He has also partnered with friends at Baylor University (Waco, TX) to assist in leading worship for their Monday night gathering, Vertical Ministries. You can find Jeff’s music on iTunes, including the songs Ruin Me, Glorious Day, and his most recent co-write ‘‘How Can it Be’’ recorded by Lauren Daigle. Jeff and his wife Jourdan live in Texas with their son Case.